The English version of this document is now the official and maintained version. The Norwegian version is no longer valid. |
This page is an update of an outdated OTA Messages wiki page that was based on version 1.0 of the requirements. Version 1.1 of the requirements introduced some changes and after the development process began, new needs were identified as documented here, partly for use in formulating a change order for the operators selected for routes in Romerike and the electric bus contract.
Ruter has agreed with the operators to use only JSON in MQTT messages and not support Protobuf. The contents of the messages will therefore be defined by JSON schemas and these will be made available to the operators.
The summary refers to topics on board the buses. See below for mapping of the local topic to the bridged topic.
Changes noted in status are based on a comparison with v. 1.1 of the OTA Messages document. Direction is in/out of the bus.
Local topic |
Change |
Direction |
Name |
Comments |
signon/json | Out | Start block | ||
signoff/json | Out | Complete block | ||
avl/json | Out | Vehicle position | ||
apc/+/json | Out | Passenger count | "+" is the placeholder for the door number | |
stopsignal/json | New | Out | Stop signal status | This signal does not exist in FMS and must be read directly from the electrical signal system on board |
telemetry/+/json | New | Out | Vehicle telemetry | "+"
is the placeholder for an ID, such as PGN which is defined in the FMS
standard; We specify which PGN or other telemetry data should be sent. Used to be fmstoip but has now been generalized. |
infohub/dpi/diagnostics/json | New | Out | Diagnostics for screens | DPI diagnostics data to make sure the displays are set up correctly and are running as expected |
tsp/json | New | In | Signal prioritization | Message to be sent directly from the bus to facilitate signal priority at traffic lights |
madt/notification/json | In | Message to driver | Notification messages to driver. Produced by Ruters backoffice and consumed by MADT device on-board the vehicle. | |
infohub/dpi/journey/json | Modified | In | Vehicle journey | Coordinates for the stop are now included; stopPointRef was changed to stopPlaceId in v. 1.1 |
infohub/dpi/nextstop/json | In | Next stop | stopPointRef was changed to stopPlaceId in v. 1.1 | |
infohub/dpi/eta/json | Modified | In | Estimated arrivals | The text for the time to be displayed on the screen is now included; stopPointRef was changed to stopPlaceId in v. 1.1 |
infohub/dpi/externaldisplay/json | In | Information on sign box | ||
infohub/dpi/arriving/json | Modified | In | Arriving | Public announcement of the stop; adds expiryTimestamp and zoneId field; createTimestamp was deleted in v. 1.1 |
infohub/dpi/deviation/json | Modified | In | Deviation | Multi-lingual, textual deviation messages. With references to stops/journal/lines etc. |
infohub/dpi/announcement/json | Modified | In | Other announcement | Multi-lingual textual messages |
infohub/dpi/audio/json | New | In | Audio message | Audio messages to be played on the bus. Can contain an array of messages with different target speakers and codecs. |
infohub/dpi/c2/json | New | In | DPI command and control messages | Command and control messages to be used by DPI, from Ruter backend. |
infohub/dpi/connections/json | Planned | In | Information about connections | Real-time data for connections before arrival at the stop |
infohub/dpi/digitalsignage/json | Planned | In | Multimedia control | Message that controls the multimedia surfaces on board |
Name | Start block |
Description | Notify PTA BO that the bus is starting a block |
Local topic | signon/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/signon/json |
Schema | signon.json |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T12:45:50Z", "vehicleNumber": "12345", "blockId": "1234:34", "vehicleJourneyId": "35:ABC" } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
vehicleNumber | integer | same as for the bridged topic |
blockId | string | A series of journeys |
vehicleJourneyId | string | The actual journey started |
Vehicle journey is required and helps track cases where blocks are interrupted and replacement vehicles take over.
Name | Complete block |
Description | Notify PTA BO that the bus has completed a block |
Local topic | signoff/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/signoff/json |
Schema | signon.json |
The content of signoff is the same as signon and uses the same schema.
Name | Vehcile position |
Description | Reporting of the bus's position, course and speed to PTA BO |
Local topic | avl/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/avl/json |
Schema | avl.json |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T12:45:50Z", "seqNumber": 0, "latitude": 60.25255, "longitude": 11.0567, "heading": 0.5, "speedOverGround": 34.5, "signalQuality": "AGPS_QUALITY", "numberOfSatellites": 4, "gnssType": "GPS", "gnssCoordinateSystem": "WGS84", "deadReckoning": false, "positionIsSimulated": false } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
seqNumber | integer | used to ensure that the messages are processed in the correct order |
latitude | float | |
longitude | float | |
heading | float | |
speedOverGround | float | |
signalQuality | string | enum SignalQuality |
numberOfSatellites | integer | |
gnssType | string | enum GNSSType |
gnssCoordinateSystem | string | enum GNSSCoordinateSystem |
deadReckoning | boolean | |
positionIsSimulated | boolean | true when a block is simulated |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
GPS | |
Name | Description |
WGS84 | |
AGPS | |
DGPS | |
Name | Passenger count |
Description | Report of passenger count per door to PTA BO |
Local topic | apc/<doorid>/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/apc/<doorid>/json |
Schema | apc.json |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T12:45:50Z", "doorId": 1, "passengerCounting": [{ "objectClass": "ADULT", "doorPassengerIn": 1, "doorPassengerOut": 1 }, { "objectClass": "CHILD", "doorPassengerIn": 0, "doorPassengerOut": 0 }, { "objectClass": "PRAM", "doorPassengerIn": 0, "doorPassengerOut": 0 }, { "objectClass": "WHEELCHAIR", "doorPassengerIn": 0, "doorPassengerOut": 0 }], "doorCountQuality": "REGULAR" } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
doorId | integer | Data is reported only per door |
passengerCounting | array of PassengerCount | One PassengerCount per ObjectClass |
doorCountQuality | string | enum CountQuality |
Name |
Type |
Description |
objectClass | string | enum ObjectClass |
doorPassengerIn | integer | |
doorPassengerOut | integer |
Name |
Description |
PRAM | |
BIKE | |
Name |
Description |
Name | Stop signal status |
Description | Stop signal status when changed by using stop button |
Local topic | stopsignal/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/stopsignal/json |
Schema | stopsignal.json |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T12:45:50Z", "stopSignalled": true } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
stopSignalled | boolean |
Name | Vehicle telemetry |
Description | Vehicle telemetry from systems on the bus |
Local topic | telemetry/<id>/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/telemetry/<id>/json |
Schema | telemetry.json |
Several different kinds of telemetry are available varying by vehicle type. For traditional busses, FMS is the standard defines what data about the vehicle is published on the FMS bus and out by FMStoIP. For trams VehicleToIP defines a a different and more limited set of data. In addition, electrical and hydrogen have proprietary data that is not captured by either.
This topic generalizes all such data as telemetry defined by a unique id. We will use FMS PGN ids (4-digit hex values, i.e. ) but otherwise use unique ids to identify data from other sources.
If we define the ids along the lines of FMS we can have 32-bit ids that use the following pattern:
Bytes | Description |
1 | Source identifier |
2-4 | Source-specific id, e.g. FMS PGNs |
Source identifiers will be:
Id | Description |
0x00 | FMS |
0x01 | non-FMS |
... | new sources |
Therefore all FMS PGNs become "0000" + 4-digit hex PGN.
Each of the available data points is defined with a Parameter Group Number (PGN) with fields defined by Suspect Parameter Number (SPN).
The FMS-to-IP service in the ITxPT standard makes the desired data available on the bus's own network over UDP (multicast broadcast). It sends out only the PGNs previously requested by calling a service. The messages are sent every second, according to ITxPT, and includes all the requested PGNs. The format is in XML.
We therefore define which PGNs are needed by Ruter and that the XML message should be broken up per PGN and forwarded as JSON.
This is the list of required PGNs. It should be possible to expand this over time.
Kode |
Description |
Formål |
ID | Local topic |
DC1 | Door Control 1 | FE4E | 3411 Status 2 of doors 1820 Ramp/Wheel chairlift 1821 Position of doors |
Doors open / closed
0000FE4E | telemetry/0000fe4e/json |
DC2 | Door Control 2 | FDA5 | XXXX Lock Status Door N XXXX Enable Status Door N XXXX Open Status Door N |
Alternative to DC1? | 0000FDA5 | telemetry/0000fda5/json |
VDHR | High Resolution Vehicle Distance | FEC1 | 917 High resolution total vehicle distance | Supplements position | 0000FEC1 | telemetry/0000fec1/json |
These PGNs must be subscribed to when the buses are started (unless the subscription is persistent) through the AddPGN call:
<PGNReq>FE4E</PGNReq> <PGNReq>FDA5</PGNReq> <PGNReq>FEC1</PGNReq> |
A service must be implemented by the operator's vendor that listens the UDP messages and converts them to MQTT messages.
The message for all subscribed PGNs is sent to UDP as XML.
<FMStoIPDelivery> <FMStoIP FMSVersion="03"> <frame Status="OK"> <PGN>FEF1</PGN> <data>F35237C403501FFF</data> <relativetime>5000</relativetime> <SPN id="84"> <name>Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed</name> <unit>km/h</unit> <value>55.3</value> </SPN> <SPN id="597"> <name>Brake Switch</name> <value>released</value> </SPN> </frame> <frame Status="OK"> <PGN>F004</PGN> <data>F35237C403501FFF</data> <relativetime>5000</relativetime> <SPN id="190"> <name>Engine Speed</name> <unit>rpm</unit> <value>854</value> </SPN> </frame> </FMStoIP> </FMStoIPDelivery> |
PGN FEF1 og F004 shown here are the examples found in the ITxPT spec.
The message containing several PGNs is split up into several MQTT messages. SPNs are mapped as subids.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T12:45:50Z", "id": "0000FEF1", "payloads": [ { "subid": 84, "name": "Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed", "unit": "km/h", "value": 55.3 }, { "subid": 597, "name": "Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed", "value": "released" } ] } |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T12:45:50Z", "id": "0000F004", "payloads": [ { "subid": 190, "name": "Engine Speed", "unit": "rpm", "value": 854 } ] } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
id | string | eight-digit hex value of the telemetry provided |
payloads | array of Payload | one or more payloads |
Name |
Type |
Description |
subid | int | subid such as SPN, if appropriate (optional) |
name | string | optional |
unit | string | |
value | any |
Name | Signal prioritization |
Description | The message to be sent to VHF to ensure that the bus is prioritized at the traffic lights |
Local topic | tsp/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/tsp/json |
Schema | tsp.json |
This message is generated by Ruter when approaching an intersection or, when a stop is just before an intersection, after the doors have closed.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "message": "" } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
message | string | String of characters that represent the message to transmit |
Name | Message to driver |
Description | Messages directly to the bus driver |
Local topic | madt/notification/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/madt/notification/json |
Schema | notification.json |
Notice: Documentation of this message can be found here:
Name | Vehicle journey |
Description | The stops included in the bus route, with connections to other lines |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/journey/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/journey/json |
Schema | journey.json |
The coordinates of the stop have been added to facilitate backup calculations for stop announcements and possibly other messages.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "route": { "id": "RUT:Route:31-1041", "name": "Fornebu vest-Tonsenhagen", "line": { "id": "RUT:Line:31", "name": "Snarøya - Fornebu - Tonsenhagen - Grorud", "publicCode": "31" }, "stopPlaces": [ { "id": "RUT:StopPlace:02190017", "name": "Fornebu vest", "connections": [], "location": { "latitude": 12.33345, "longitude": 12.33345 } }, { "id": "RUT:StopPlace:03010013", "name": "Jernbanetorget", "connections": [ { "line": { "id": "RUT:Line:30", "name": "Bygdøy via Bygdøynes", "publicCode": "30" }, "type": "BUS", "color": "e60000" }, { "line": { "id": "RUT:Line:12", "name": "Majorstuen", "publicCode": "12" }, "type": "TRAM", "color": "0b91ef" } ], "location": { "latitude": 12.33345, "longitude": 12.33345 } } ] } } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
route | Route |
Name |
Type |
Description |
id | string | NSR code |
name | string | |
line | Line | |
stopPlaces | array of StopPlace |
Name |
Type |
Description |
id | string | NSR code |
name | string | |
publicCode | string |
Name |
Type |
Description |
id | string | NSR code |
name | string | |
connections | array of Connection | |
location | Location |
Name |
Type |
Description |
line | Line | |
type | string | enum TransportType |
colour | string | RGB code in hex; originally spelled color, but British spelling is preferred in European standards |
Name |
Type |
Description |
longitude | float | |
latitude | float |
Name |
Description |
BUS | This was originally listed as BUSS |
TRAM | |
Name | Next stop |
Description | Next stop on the bus's route after leaving a stop |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/nextstop/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/nextstop/json |
Schema | nextstop.json |
StopPointRef was replaced by StopPlaceId in v. 1.1.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "stopPlaceId": "RUT:StopPlace:03012453" } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
stopPlaceId | string | NSR StopPlace code |
Name | ETA |
Description | Estimated arrival at the remaining stops |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/eta/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/eta/json |
Schema | eta.json |
StopPointRef was replaced by StopPlaceId in v. 1.1. The field "text" was added to send the desired display text for the arrival time.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "estimatedCalls": [ { "eta": "2017-10-13T12:27:04Z", "stopPlaceId": "RUT:StopPlace:03010510", "text": "Nå" }, { "eta": "2017-10-13T12:27:04Z", "stopPlaceId": "RUT:StopPlace:03010511", "text": "5 min" } ] } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
estimatedCalls | array of EstimatedCall |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eta | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
stopPlaceId | string | NSR StopPlace code |
text | string | display text for passengers |
Name | Information for sign boxes |
Description | Message to display on signposts. Usually line number (publicCode) and routeName, with support for alternative message |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/externaldisplay/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/externaldisplay/json |
Schema | externaldisplay.json |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "publicCode": "31", "destination": "Lorem ipsum", "alternativeMessage": "Duis aute irure dolor" } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
publicCode | string | Publicly known bus, tram or subway line number |
destination | string | Usually the final stop |
alternativeMessage | string | The use of this field must be clarified |
Name | Arrival |
Description | Notice to passengers that the bus is approaching a stop |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/arriving/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/arriving/json |
Schema | arriving.json |
StopPointRef was replaced by StopPlaceId in v. 1.1. The field createTimestamp was removed in v. 1.1. Multi-lingual suoport added in v.1.2
The field expiryTimestamp has been added to to prevent delayed messages from being played after a certain amount of time.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "expiryTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:47.749Z", "ref": "RUT:StopPlace:03012453", "zoneId": "2b-vest", "message": { "no": { "title": "Ankommer" "text": "Oslo sentralstasjon" }, "en": { "title": "Arriving at" "text": "Oslo Central Station" } } } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
expiryTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
ref | string | reference to StopPlaceId |
zoneID | string | Id of payment zone. |
message | dictionary of MultilingualMessage |
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | title to be display to passengers (optional) |
text | string | text to be display to passengers |
Name | Deviation |
Description | Notice to passengers of a deviation |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/deviation/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/deviation/json |
Schema | deviation.json |
The ref field has been added to specify the scope of the deviation. This should be an NSR ID (where the type is included in the ID) such as StopPlaceId, QuayId, LineId, RouteId, JourneyId, OperatorId or AuthorityId. It is possible additional identifiers may be included.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "expiryTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:47.749Z", "ref": [ "NSR:StopPlace:2561", "NSR:StopPlace:2562" ], "message": { "no": { "title": "afsdf", "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" }, "en": { "title": "afsdf", "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" } } } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
expiryTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC, do not show after |
ref | string or array of strings | List of affected entities, if empty or not included the deviation is general |
message | dictionary of MultilingualMessage |
Responsibility for the use of the ref field lies entirely with the DPI application. When it has matching ids it can tailor the information display accordingly. An example of this is stopPlaceId deviations.
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | title to be displayed to the passengers (optional) |
text | string | text to be displayed to the passengers |
Name | Announcement |
Description | Announcement to the passengers (ad hoc) |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/announcement/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/announcement/json |
Schema | announcement.json |
Message contains a reference to the scope of the message, if applicable. Typically NSR stopplaceid / lineId or similar.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:02.749Z", "expiryTimestamp": "2017-10-31T08:38:47.749Z", "type": "INFO", "ref": [ "NSR:StopPlace:2561", "NSR:StopPlace:2562" ], "message": { "no": { "title": "afsdf", "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" }, "en": { "title": "afsdf", "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" } } } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
expiryTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
type | string | Type melding: kan styre visning i DPI |
ref | String or array of strings | Liste av id'er som f.eks. StopPlace, Line, Route, VehicleJourney. brukes til å knytte avvik til bestemte scopes, ikke påkrevd |
message | dictionary of MultilingualMessage | Key is ISO 639-1 language code. |
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | title to be displayed to the passengers (optional) |
text | string | text to be displayed to the passengers |
Navn | Audio message |
Beskrivelse | Audio message to be played by the speaker system on the bus. |
Lokal topic | infohub/dpi/audio/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleId>/itxpt/ota/dpi/audio/json |
Schema | audio.json |
Notice: Documentation of this message can be found here:
Name | Command and controls channel |
Description | Command and control messages from Ruter Data Platform |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/c2/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/c2/json |
Schema | c2.json |
The c2 channels is reserved for command and control messages originated by Ruter. Typical use cases include:
The payload is defined as an object with no structure to provide flexibility.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2018-10-31T12:45:50Z", "type": "DEBUG", "payload": { "command": "LOG_TRANSFER", "arg": { "level": "ERROR", "limit": 10, "page": 0 } } } |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2018-10-31T12:45:50Z", "type": "WORKER_JOB", "payload": { "command": "SET_ITEM", "arg": { "name": "enableFeatureX", "value": true } } } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
type | string | message type |
payload | Object |
Name | Screen diagnostics |
Description | Report to PTA BO about a screen |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/diagnostics/json |
Bridged topic | ruter/<sender>/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/diagnostics/json |
Schema | diagnostics.json |
It is expected that the DPI application itself will produce diagnostic messages.
The payload is defined as an object with no structure to provide flexibility.
The types illustrated below are example of possible messages. The types are under discussion but will be generated entirely by the DPI application and consumed by the PTA BO.
{ "eventTimestamp": "2018-10-31T12:45:50Z", "screenId": "ad71dba8-c881-11e8-a8d5-f2801f1b9fd1", "type": "STATUS", "payload": { "version": { "application": "2018-10-03T12:45:50Z", "media": "2018-10-05T12:45:50Z", }, "display": { "type": "1", "res": { "height": 360, "width": 1080 } }, "stats": { "logEntries": { "error": 0, "warning": 14, "info": 123 }, "lastLoaded": "2018-10-31T12:45:45Z", "pingFreq": 3600 "usedStorage": "124kb" } } } |
{ "eventTimestamp": "2018-10-31T12:45:50Z", "type": "HEARTBEAT", "screenId": "ad71dba8-c881-11e8-a8d5-f2801f1b9fd1", } |
Name |
Type |
Description |
eventTimestamp | string | ISO 8601, UTC |
screenId | string | UUID produced and stored by the application per screen |
type | string | message type, enum DiagnosticType |
payload | dictionary of any | data with a blend possibly of standardized keys and PTA / PTO-specific |
Name |
Description |
When the screen is turned on and the application application starts, this message is sent |
HEARTBEAT | A regular message that the screen is alive; frequency every X period |
Other types of messages may be defined later.
Name | Connections |
Description | A snapshot of real-time data about the transit connections at the next stop |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/connections/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/connections/json |
Schema | connections.json |
This message is intended to be sent before the bus comes to the next stop. It is possible that it is sent only once, but it may also be updated if the view changes.
Name | Multimedia control |
Description | Change what appears on the target surfaces of the screens |
Local topic | infohub/dpi/digitalsignage/json |
Bridged topic | <recipient>/ruter/<vehicleid>/itxpt/ota/dpi/digitalsignage/json |
Schema | digitalsignage.json |
When we begin to deliver packages of media to the buses, for example, in connection with campaigns, we must be able to trigger playlists as needed, for example at a stop, a time, etc.
Category | Topic |
Description |
added field | infohub/dpi/journey/json | added location (latitude and longitude) per stop place |
added field | infohub/dpi/eta/json | the field text has been added for display text in DPI |
changed field | infohub/dpi/eta/json | the field expectedArrivalTime has been renamed eta |
changed field | infohub/dpi/externaldisplay/json | the field routeName has been renamed destination |
removed field | infohub/dpi/arriving/json | audio has been removed; see new audio/json topic |
changed field | infohub/dpi/arriving/json | the field message was made multilingual |
added field | infohub/dpi/arriving/json | the field zoneId was added to support the sales system |
removed field | infohub/dpi/deviation/json | audio has been removed; see new audio/json topic |
changed field | infohub/dpi/deviation/json | the field message was made multilingual |
added field | infohub/dpi/deviation/json | the field ref was added to indicate what the deviation affects |
removed field | infohub/dpi/announcement/json | audio has been removed; see new audio/json topic |
changed field | infohub/dpi/announcement/json | the field message was made multilingual |
added field | infohub/dpi/announcement/json | the field ref was added to indicate what the deviation affects |
added field | infohub/dpi/announcement/json | the field type was added to support DPI needs |
new topic | stopsignal/json | new topic for stop signal status when changed by using stop button |
new topic | telemetry/+/json | new topic for vehicle telemetry from systems on the bus, including FMS data |
new topic | tsp/json | new topic for traffic signal pre-emption message |
new topic | infohub/dpi/audio/json | new topic on which all audio will be sent |
new topic | infohub/dpi/c2/json | new topic to send commands to DPI application |
new topic | infohub/dpi/diagnostic/json | used by DPI only to send diagnostic info to BO |